
How to learn german (fast)


The most important facts summarized

  • Regular practice: Daily practice helps you to learn and retain the language faster.
  • Multimedia approaches: Use different media such as books, films and music in German.
  • Find a language partner: Practice with native speakers or other learners to improve your communication.
  • Use online courses: There are numerous platforms that offer high-quality German courses, both for a fee and free of charge.

Learning German made easy: tips and resources

Learning German can be a challenge, especially if you come from a different cultural background. However, with the right strategies and resources, this process can become much easier. In this article, we’ll give you practical tips and recommend some tried and tested online providers to help you learn German.

Regular practice

The key to learning a new language is regularity. Here are some tips on how to practise German effectively and regularly:

  • Daily practice: Try to practise German for at least 30 minutes every day. This will help you to consolidate what you have learned and make continuous progress.
  • Expand your vocabulary: Learn new vocabulary every day and repeat it regularly. A good method is to use flashcards or apps such as Anki.
  • Grammar exercises: Do grammar exercises regularly to better understand and apply the rules of the German language.

Multimedia approaches

Different media can make learning varied and interesting:

  • Books and articles: Read books, newspapers and online articles in German. Start with children’s books or simple texts and gradually increase the level of difficulty.
  • Movies and series: Watch German films and series with subtitles. This will help you to improve your pronunciation and understanding of the spoken language.
  • Music and podcasts: Listen to German music and podcasts. This can be particularly helpful in developing a feel for the melody and rhythm of the language.

Find a language partner

A language partner can be a valuable help:

  • Tandem partners: look for tandem partners with whom you can speak German and teach your native language at the same time. Platforms such as Tandem or Speaky offer good opportunities for this.
  • Language schools and meetups: Visit language schools or take part in language meetups to practise with other learners and native speakers.

Online courses and resources


Description: Babbel offers structured courses for different levels and places particular emphasis on conversation and practical application. The lessons are practice-oriented and help you to master everyday situations in German. Zu Babbel.

  • Advantages: Structured and practice-oriented lessons, focus on conversation.
  • Disadvantages: Chargeable, but there is a free trial version.


A popular app for beginners that teaches vocabulary and grammar in a fun way. The lessons are short and interactive, making it easy to practise daily. About Doulingo.

  • Advantages: Free, user-friendly, motivating points system.
  • Disadvantages: Doesn’t always cover complex grammatical structures and advanced topics.


The Goethe-Institut offers comprehensive online courses and materials for all language levels. The courses are professionally structured and accompanied by experienced teachers. Go to the Goethe-Institut.

  • Advantages: High-quality content, professional teaching staff, recognized certificates.
  • Disadvantages: Chargeable, but often scholarships or financial support options.

Practical tips for everyday life

In addition to systematic learning, you can also practise German in everyday life:

  • Thinking in German: Try to formulate your thoughts in German. This helps you to internalize the language and speak more fluently.
  • Labeling: Label objects in your home with German names. This makes it easier to memorize vocabulary.
  • Everyday conversations: Use every opportunity to speak German, be it when shopping, on the subway or at the doctor’s.


Learning German takes time and commitment, but with the right methods and resources it is definitely doable. Start with small steps and stay consistent. Use the recommended online platforms to expand your language skills and actively look for opportunities to practice the language.

Recommendation to start

  1. Goal setting: Define clear goals of what you want to achieve in a certain period of time (e.g. “In three months, I want to be able to hold simple conversations”).
  2. Establish a routine: Integrate learning German into your daily routine. Use apps like Duolingo or Babbel for daily exercises.
  3. Find a language partner: Sign up on platforms like Tandem or Speaky to practice regularly with native speakers.
  4. Use a variety of resources: Switch between books, movies, music and podcasts to learn all aspects of the language.


With these steps, you’ll be well equipped to learn German successfully. Good luck on your language journey!

The most important questions

The duration depends on many factors, including your native language, your learning effort and the resources you use. However, with regular practice, you can make significant progress within six months to a year.

A combination of daily practice, multimedia approaches and regular conversations with native speakers is most effective.

Yes, with enough motivation and the right resources, you can learn German without a formal course. Online platforms and apps offer good support.

If you click on a recommendation with *, this supports our work. Globemee then receives a commission. We always give recommendations independently and after careful pre-selection.

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