Contact persons.

– Companies

– Investors

– Partnerships

Christian Schieber - CEO

– Product

– Feedback

– Technology

Marcel Löwel - CPO

– Talents

– Visa

– Operations & Finance

Sandra Schmitt - COO

Questions? Answers.

Globemee’s service includes 3 steps:

  • Matching suitable candidates with the corresponding job offers and company profiles
  • Support with visa and work permit
  • Integration of the talent into the local talent community

Payment is made upon successful recruitment, i.e. when the employment contract between the company and the talent is signed.

The candidate search is free of charge. In the event of a successful placement, Globemee charges a commission of 20% of the talent’s annual gross salary.

In the event of termination within the probationary period – regardless of who terminates the contract – we will find a new suitable candidate for your position. 100% free of charge.

The visa process usually takes 2-3 months. In exceptional cases, there may be deviations, as an appointment at the German Embassy is required for the visa to be issued. If there are delays in obtaining an appointment, it can take over 3 months in individual cases. Here we have reference values from the various countries.

Globemee focuses on the placement of STEM talents, particularly in the fields of IT and engineering. Skilled workers from third countries receive the Blue Card for this purpose. However, there are also other types of visa that can be applied for.

Yes, family immigration is granted to foreign skilled workers with a valid work visa.

If Globemee has a branch in the region, talents can be accompanied to the immigration office. In other cases, the talent is prepared for the visit to the authorities so that they can go there alone.

For the visa application support we need:

  • The employment contract
  • Employment pre-approval form from the Federal Employment Agency (we provide companies with support for this, so that it only takes a few minutes to complete and check.

To apply for the Bluecard for talents in the fields of IT and engineering and natural sciences, the minimum salary threshold is 45,552 euros (2023).

In the “Anabin” information system for the recognition of foreign educational qualifications, the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs provides a transparent overview of which higher education qualifications are equivalent to those obtained at a German university.

Yes, Globemee checks all applicants to see whether the title is recognized and makes this clear.

If a qualification is not listed on the Anabin platform, an application for recognition can be submitted to the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) or via the accelerated skilled worker procedure.

The Talent can join the local talent community. The Globemee team is available to help with bureaucratic issues so that the arrival in the new country goes smoothly.

Globemee provides information on platforms for finding accommodation and templates for possible cover letters. Talents are also informed about setting up a bank account and relevant insurances in Germany.

It is possible to complete language courses (remote or on-site) via our partner ZaloaLanguages. However, this service is paid for by the talent themselves or (if desired) by the company.

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